Vintage '82

My Virtual Life in a Nutshell

Livid Monome 128

Q: What is a “Livid Monome 128”?

A: It’s a monome grid controller built with buttons from the Livid Block instead of the usual monome buttons. 128 buttons to be exact.

This project has been on the back burner for a while. I had originally joined a group-buy on the monome forum for the hard-to-find circuit boards suited for these specific buttons. The outcome of said group-buy was disastrous. I did not get my boards from that debacle. I was lucky to get my money returned. I did, however, end up getting two off of I guy who had funded a batch of his own and continued my quest for a bigger box of buttons.

As of today I have nearly all the components needed to complete this build except a second logic controller (twice the monome takes twice the brains), and the all-important faceplate. But since I don’t have any money at the moment all I can do is daydream about a finished controller. Here’s what that dream looks like so far.

Pink LEDs, eight bi-color (green/blue) LED encoders. I have a few Nintendo DS replacement touch screens I wouldn’t mind tossing in there as well, but I’m not trying to press my luck. I have two Arduinos and a multiplexer intended for this box, but I will also have to acquire some knowledge about these little animals before I dive to deep into the more technical portion of this build. Off to the webs…

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